




2013年,楊金炎先生創立了聯泰香港鮮蛋液有限公司(Luen Tai Hong Kong Fresh Liquid Eggs Limited),並註冊了“香港鮮蛋液”品牌。他從歐洲引入了一條價值數千萬港元的巴氏消毒蛋液生產線,該生產線每小時可處理多達四萬五千隻雞蛋,從清洗、消毒、打蛋、分離到巴氏殺菌,全程嚴格控制溫度,確保蛋液質量與衛生。




In the early 20th century, a street in Sheung Wan known as "Wing Shing Street" (Yung Shing Street) was home to a bustling edible egg wholesale market, commonly referred to as Egg Street. Along this street, many shops specialized in wholesale chicken eggs, duck eggs, century eggs, and salted eggs. In 1957, Mr. Young Wai Fan, father of Mr. Young Kam Yim, established Luen Tai Hong, exclusively selling a variety of egg products.

In the spring of 1981, at just 18 years old, Mr. Young Kam Yim joined Luen Tai Hong under his father's guidance. He learned the trade while continuously exploring ways to innovate in the egg business. At the time, salted egg yolks were a popular delicacy among Hong Kong fishermen. Mr. Young proposed sun-curing salted egg yolks and selling them to port vendors, gradually expanding Luen Tai Hong’s customer base.

In late 1983, when the Wing Shing Street premises were slated for demolition, Luen Tai Hong lost its operating space. Fortunately, with assistance from industry peers, Mr. Young was able to rent a small space to continue operations. Soon after, he rented land from the government and built a temporary tin and wooden structure to resume full-scale business.

In 1999, Mr. Young registered the "LTH" brand, focusing on selling separated egg whites, while selling egg yolks at a lower price to noodle makers. This strategic move marked the second major growth phase for the company. To enhance safety and health standards while meeting market needs, he constantly refined production processes and traveled to Europe and the U.S. to study advanced techniques.

Despite the challenges posed by the 2003 SARS outbreak, which hit Hong Kong’s food industry hard, Luen Tai Hong's bakery and pastry clients experienced increased demand, contributing significantly to the company's growth.

In 2013, Mr. Young founded Luen Tai Hong Kong Fresh Liquid Eggs Limited and registered the “Hong Kong Fresh Liquid Eggs” brand. He introduced a multi-million-dollar pasteurization liquid egg production line from Europe, which processes up to 45,000 eggs per hour. The production process includes cleaning, disinfecting, egg cracking, and separating, followed by pasteurization, all under stringent temperature control to ensure product quality and hygiene.

In 2023, Luen Tai Hong Kong Fresh Liquid Eggs Limited opened a new facility in Tai Po InnoPark, tripling its production capacity. The company now operates two intelligent production lines in Hong Kong, featuring advanced technology that delivers superior products, meeting the stringent standards of the food industry.

The company has also obtained “HACCP Management System Certification,” “ISO22000 Food Safety Management Certification,” and “HALAL Certification,” ensuring both quality and production volume, and earning the trust of food manufacturers.

Luen Tai Hong has grown from its first generation of entrepreneurs to the second generation, which continues to innovate while upholding tradition, paving the way for the future of Hong Kong’s egg industry.






To ensure the hygiene and safety of our food products, returns or exchanges are only accepted if the product packaging is unopened and shows visible damage or deterioration. Once the product is unsealed, consumed, or if any issues arise due to improper handling by the consumer (such as deformation of the packaging, temperature loss, or poor storage), we regret that returns or exchanges cannot be accepted.

As our products are freshly produced daily, please ensure they are used before the expiration date indicated on the package to maintain optimal quality.

For your protection, please inspect the product immediately upon receipt to ensure it is correct and complete. If there are any issues, please contact our customer service within three days of receipt. After this period, no return or exchange requests will be accepted.

If the product is damaged during shipping, please report it directly to the delivery personnel and ensure photos are taken for evidence. Contact our company immediately to resolve the issue.

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